Be a Volunteer
Volunteer and earn more!!
The success of our sale is due largely to the efforts of our volunteer workers. We have a lot of fun at Take2 and we hope you can join us as a Volunteer.
Our volunteer workers receive a pre-sale shoppers pass that allows them to shop before the consignors and the general public at the beginning of the sale and on ½ price day.
Volunteer duties may include : consignor check in, shopper check out, tending to the sales floor, assisting shoppers, consignor pick up and take down of rack and pack up sales floor. No one is asked to do any duties they aren’t comfortable doing.
Consignors that volunteer 4 or more hours will receive 75% on their sold items. Volunteer 12 hours and you will be the FIRST to shop.
If you are already registered to consign at the upcoming sale and want to volunteer log in to your account and select your 4 hours volunteer time. If you want to volunteer 12 hours select your 4 our shift online and then contact Julie by email ( with your additional 8 hours. Our website allows you to only select a 4 our volunteer shift.
If you are not a consignor and you want to volunteer you need to contact
If you are unable to keep your volunteer commitment and you have pre-sale shopped, you need to find someone to work your time or a $40 fee (for 4 hours) and $120 for (12 hours) will be deducted from you total sales.
In case of an emergency call Julie at 402-321-7260.