Why Choose Take2 as a Consignor?
Take2 provides a marketplace to recycle your no longer needed children's items by reselling them.
We pay consignors 70% on sold items and 75% if you volunteer to work 4 hours. 12 hour volunteers get to be the first to shop.
Consignors are paid for sold items 3-4 days following the conclusion of each sale event.
Sign up is quick and easy online.
You can participate in multiple city sale events at no extra charge.
You can prepare, tag and price your items all year long because your consignor number and tags do no change.
Why Choose Take2 as a Shopper?
We offer shoppers thousands of gently used Children's, Teen and Maternity items at bargain prices. Sign up for our mailing list and recieve an "early shoppers" pass.
Why Choose Take2 as a Business Partner?
You can promote your business by placing a coupon on our customer receipt (first come first serve), set up a display table at our sale event to distribute business cards and product information. Contact your local sale event owner about participating as a Business Partner.
Why Become a Take2 Business Owner?
Take2 is excited to offer new Take2 business Licenses in all states of the US. We currently have four Take2 sale events in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska and Des Moines, Iowa. Please send any inquires about owning and operating a Take2 event to Julie@Take2.com